Instructional Design :)

Asslamuaalaikum and hello everyone on the internet. How are you people ? I am fine, alhamdulilah. Today i am going to share about instructional course ware design. Hope you enjoy reading about it.

Instructional design or ID is creating and designing material and lesson to assist to instruct learners. It have it needs analysis to identify what's learner's focus or what they need to learn from the subject or course. It consists of

  • creating a syllabus
  • planning a lesson or material
  • adapting material 
ID has is various usage and it fits in various area of learning.  CALL also included in the instructional design where the instructional design are being used in computer assisted learning and teaching. It is to support a lesson but it is not enough to complete a full learning session.  It can be used inside or outside of class. 

The very first computer assisted instruction system is PLATO (1960-2006). PLATO or programmed logic for automated teaching operations is being designed to teach any kind of course that is programmed into it and it is very expensive and very old school I must say :) . 

Next is the ADDIE model. ADDIE model is a generic process used by instructional designers and training development . ADDIE is stands for analyze, design,develop, implement and evaluate. It known to represent a dynamic, flexible guideline in building effective training and performance support tools. The addie models has is advantages and weakness. 

The advantages of ADDIE MODEL are:

  • it provides step by step process in planning a creative training course-ware
  • it gives opportunity to re-evaluate learning goal and outcomes.
  • it is the basic model that can be used in any kind of learning and it is very systematic.

The disadvantages of ADDIE MODEL are:

  • it is incompetent as it is not interactive
  • it is very time consuming model
  • it assumes all the the requirement of the learner's are known before developing the course.

That all i wanted to share about instructional design for today. Thank you for reading. See you on the next post. 




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