Hello and Assalamualaikum everyone, How it your weekend?  I hope you have a splendid weekend. For today post, I am going to share to you about Smart builder. Smart builder was started in 1999 and it always focus on

* Meaningful interactivity is an essential component of effective e-learning
* E-learning that influences learners’ behaviors and achieves ROI
* Organizations are constantly seeking solutions that reduce the time and cost of providing effective elearning.

Smart Builder is to help us to create custom, interactive e-learning. It have multiple large medium to aid its customer in creating a custom e-learning. You have to sign up and download the free trial to use it for free for 30 days.

# Here's the link for you to check it out:

Since for this semester, the final assessment for that we need to build our everyone course ware so our lecturer have encouraged us to use Smart builder because it easy to use and interactive canvas for us to understand . For this task, we are divided in a group 3 where I have paired up with Najwa Syafiqah and Hanis Farhana.

It has an interesting interface and it also have it's action board where we could make the course ware change the pages by using button , placing pictures and music. The action blocks may times to understand but once you get hold of it, it will be a peace of cake. :)

That's it for this post. I will keep you updated on how to use the smart builder so stay tuned everyone. Goodbye peeps. 👋👋👋


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